«KALAHOUSE»™ Utilities System

High R-value of structural elements of energy-saving «ECO-friendly zero-energy houses by KALAHOUSE»™ together with high strength and seismic resistance and modern utilities provide comfortable and healthy living conditions in different climatic zones and allow to refer them to the so-called «passive» houses.
«Passive» houses are buildings which require minimum energy for their maintenance and at the same time provide comfortable living conditions. The Passive House Institute in Darmstadt (Germany) was one of the first to build such houses. Under the conditions of continuously increasing prices for energy resources “passive” houses are gaining popularity all over the world.
There are the following energy-saving measures taken in «ECO-friendly zero-energy houses by KALAHOUSE»™:
- reduction in heat losses due to the use of energy-saving structural components;
- use of waste water heat recovery units and ventilation systems with waste air recovery;
- use of alternative solar, wind, water and geothermal energy sources. The use of heat-generating equipment which substantially decreases fuel consumption and increases the output of heat energy due to its rational transformation;
- introduction of complex energy-saving utility systems.
The construction of energy-saving «ECO-friendly zero-energy houses by KALAHOUSE»™ with the use of innovative renewable energy systems allows:
- to minimize house maintenance costs;
- to efficiently use finewood timber in exterior and interior design, mainly: acacia, oak, red oak, ash, maple, elm, walnut, cherry, basswood, larch;
- to provide healthy and comfortable living conditions and extend life expectancy;
- to minimize negative impact on the environment by means of reducing atmospheric emissions of carbon and nitrogen dioxides and other hazardous substances.