«KALAHOUSE»™ Ceiling System

The structure of «KALAHOUSE»™ ceiling system is shown in the scheme:
  • 1. Floor board
  • 2. Waterproofing
  • 3. Sound insulation
  • 4. Vapour barrier
  • 5. Subflooring
  • 6. Load-bearing double-T beams of LVL
  • 7. Boarding
  • 8. Interior clapboard
  • 9. Interfloor girt
Comfortable living conditions and friendly family are usually in the house in which everyone has his or her private space. Someone may work on the new project, someone may learn solfeggio at the piano and someone may cook fine cuisine in the kitchen listening to music.

High level of noise insulation in «ECO-friendly zero-energy houses by KALAHOUSE»™ provides comfortable living for all members of your family.

Technological capabilities of KALA Firm allow to manufacture load-bearing double-T beams up to 13 m long that can cover large areas without additional supporting columns.